How to Declutter Your Entire Home Fast: Minute Cleaning Hacks
Downsizing, decluttering, simple living or whatever you call it is the process scaling back on the material items in your life. While some of us thrive on getting rid of items we no longer use, the process can fill some of us with despair and anxiety. If you or someone you know has a hording disorder, psychotherapy may help. There are many resources available. In today’s How to Declutter Your Entire Home Fast: Minute Cleaning Hacks we will share some tips for getting started with little stress.
How To Declutter Your Entire Home Fast!
There’s been a lot written on the benefits of having less stuff from the time savings of having less things to clean or organize to less stress and overall, less debt. Decluttering your home doesn’t need to be a painful undertaking and it doesn’t need to be done all at once for you to reap the benefits. Start small, maybe just one drawer, then work your way up to the bigger areas.
Clean First
It may sound counterproductive but before starting your decluttering & organizing it’s a good idea to do your routine cleaning first. Once the daily mess is contained, you’ll have an easier time figuring out where to begin with your decluttering.
Make Small Goals
Announcing that you are going to declutter and organize the whole house is scary and overwhelming to even the most efficient of us. Make yourself a plan or checklist of what you want to accomplish. Scan each room, estimate how long key areas will take to get into shape. Once you have an idea of how long each section may take, pick one. Set aside that time, whether it is 5 minutes or 2 hours (refer to the checklist). Once you start the decluttering your chosen space, work that space until it is complete.
Grab The Quick Win
Find the area on your list that will require the least amount of work and start there. You will be able to check an item off your list quickly. We are wired to feel motivated by progress, so the sooner you start making progress the more motivated you will feel to continue.
Use the Bin/Box Method
Grab a few boxes or bins to help with sorting your items. Label the bins: Keep, Fix, Recycle, Donate & Trash. While sorting through your items place items that you want to keep and reorganize in the Keep box. If an item you want to keep needs to be repaired, place it in the Fix box so that you can give it some attention at a later date. As for items that you will not be keeping, recycle any items that can be recycled, donate anything that is still in good shape but just needs a new home and throw away everything else.
That’s all for today’s How to Declutter Your Entire Home Fast: Minute Cleaning Hacks. If the clutter is more than you can tackle why not let us help. Maid in a Minute Residential and Commercial Cleaning Service has packages that work with your needs and budget. If you need a few more MINUTES in your day, let us take care of the cleaning for you! Visit our ONLINE BOOKING page to schedule your appointment now! Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram & like us on Facebook!

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