Stain Removal Guide: Minute Cleaning Hacks
Stain! That dreaded 5 letter word. Whether it’s tomato sauce on your favorite blouse or buildup on your baking sheets, those hard to remove stains can make you crazy. In today’s Stain Removal Guide: Minute Cleaning Hacks we will be sharing some useful tips & tricks for getting rid of those stubborn stains.
Stain Removal Guide
The key to removing a stain is to treat it as soon as possible. Once the stain sets it becomes harder, but no impossible, to treat. Most stains can be removed with items you may already have on hand and if you’ve followed along with us, you will certainly already have most of them.
This is one of the most difficult hacks on this list but if you’re feeling ambitious, we say give it a go! DIY toilet cleaner bombs are all over the internet. Simply add baking soda, citric acid, and 3 essential oils: lavender, peppermint, and lemon. Mix everything together and then mold in ice cube trays. Once they have hardened you can store them in a zip top bag or recycled container. Drop 2 into the toilet and watch the reaction. Close the lid and let sit for about 30 minutes, you can use a scrub brush and scrub the mixture around the toilet, or just flush.
Fabric Surfaces
The laundry is always a job within itself. Everything from grass stains, ink stains, food & drink stains and even blood stains somehow make their way to the clothes we enjoy wearing the most. To give these worn and comfy items a longer life, In a bowl or jar mix equal parts of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and dish soap. Rub the solution on to the stain and let sit for 30 minutes to an hour (use your best judgement depending on the fabric type). Then launder as usual. If the stain hasn’t been removed, you can repeat the process before putting it in the dryer.
Carpet & Upholstery
Is it just my house or does your light carpet attract every possible stain there is, add kids to the mix and you’ll find yourself rethinking carpet altogether. Mix hydrogen peroxide with water in a 1:2 ratio, pro tip store this mixture in an amber-colored or opaque bottle that will allow little or no light to penetrate through since it is highly unstable and slowly decomposes. Shake lightly to mix. Then spray on the stained carpet or upholstery, let it penetrate for a few minutes, then scrub and blot excess liquid. Repeat as many times as necessary to remove the stain.
Glass Bakeware
No matter how great that casserole is, the baked-on stains they leave behind can be a real downer. Coat the bottom of the pan with baking soda and dish soap, and let it soak in hot water for about 15 minutes. Grab a sponge and continued to sprinkle more baking soda over the stubborn spots as you. That grime will be gone in no time.
Aluminum Bakeware
To remove stains and discoloration from aluminum cookware, create a solution of 2-3 tablespoons cream of tartar, lemon juice, or vinegar per 1 quart of water and bring it to a boil. Soak your aluminum cookware in the solution for about ten minutes, and then use a soapy scouring pad to gently remove the stains. Use softer materials (avoid steel wool or metal scouring pads) and lighter pressure when scouring aluminum pots and pans. Scouring too vigorously with abrasive materials can cause scratches in the aluminum’s finish.
No matter the surface, stains don’t have to get the better of you. That’s all for today’s Stain Removal Guide: Minute Cleaning Hacks. If you are still unsure why not let us help. Maid in a Minute Residential and Commercial Cleaning Service has packages that work with your needs and budget. If you need a few more MINUTES in your day, let us take care of the cleaning for you! Visit our ONLINE BOOKING page to schedule your appointment now! Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram & like us on Facebook!

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